Syrian Kurdish PYD security arrests members of Kurdish Democratic Party of Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Kurdish Democratic Union Party’s (PYD) Asayesh security forces in Syria arrested several members of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Syria (PDKS) in Afrin, Rojava on Sunday.

The PDKS said in a statement that “PYD security forces from this morning till noon have gone house-to-house in Afrin’s sub-district of Rajo, demanding that youth in the town join the YPG,” the PYD’s military wing.

In addition, the Asayesh arrested several members of the Kurdish National Council (KNC-ENKS) in Afrin.

Sources said they have released some of the people arrested Sunday.

In the Basla village in the Sherawa sub-district of Afrin, the PYD conducted searches and seized homes. They arrested several members of the PDKS, including Khabat Hussein, Esmael Maamo, Mustafa Kurba, Azad Bri. Only two of them have been freed.

The PDKS warned that the arrests “will not serve the national interest of the Kurdish people.”  It asked the international organizations and other parties to put pressure on the PYD to release its members.

On August 15, the Rojava Asayesh in the Grekelake sub-district of Qamishli in Rojava, northern Syria, arrested two politburo and three executive leadership members, plus 13 other members of  the PDKS

Earlier this month the Rojava Asayesh arrested Ibrahim Biro, head of the KNC-ENKS in Qamishli, and Hassan Salih, deputy head of the Kurdish Union Party in Syria (PYKS).