SDF capture ISIS weapons smuggler: coalition

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured an Islamic State (ISIS) weapons smuggler in an early morning raid on Friday, the global coalition against ISIS announced Saturday. This is the second ISIS operative captured in northeastern Syria in less than 24 hours.

“SDF, advised, assisted and enabled by Coalition Forces, planned and achieved the successful capture of Eid Hasan Hamoud al-Fahd, an assessed ISIS operative and known weapons and ammunition smuggler,” the coalition tweeted

He was captured during a raid in Deir ez-Zor province.

“The deliberate targeting of ISIS weapons smugglers by SDF aims to disrupt and degrade ISIS’ ability to carry out violent attacks in the region,” the coalition added.

The evening before, SDF captured an ISIS logistics operative in a raid in Hasaka province and on Monday they arrested four ISIS members in Raqqa.

ISIS has been degraded from its so-called caliphate that covered swathes of Iraq and Syria, though it continues to pose a security risk through kidnappings, hit-and-run attacks, and bombings. The Pentagon, in its latest quarterly report covering anti-ISIS operations from October through December 2022, estimated there are 6,000 to 10,000 fighters spread across Syria and Iraq.