UPDATE: 68 SDF fighters killed in ISIS attack: monitor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – ISIS militants killed 68 members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hajin, eastern Syria overnight on Friday, a war monitor reported Saturday. It initially reported 41 killed.

“The death toll has increased due to the discovery of new victims on the front line and the existence of 100 wounded,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights chief, told AFP.

Sean Ryan, spokesman for the US-led coalition, told AFP “at this time, numbers cannot be confirmed as both sides are taking casualties as this difficult fight... continues”.

“[A] sandstorm allowed an ISIS counterattack, which was surprising given the conditions, but now the air is clear, the coalition will continue to increase air and fire support to assist our partners,” he added.

The jihadist group reportedly launched a wave of suicide bombings overnight as part of a counter-attack against the US-backed SDF, which is attempting to dislodge ISIS from its last holdout near the Iraqi border. 

According to a statement posted on Telegram, ISIS attacked the village of Sousa and detonated a car bomb in Al-Baghuza to the south, the Observatory reports. 

The attack is a further setback for the SDF in eastern Syria, which reportedly suffered losses in Hajin on Wednesday.

According to the Observatory, ISIS captured 10 SDF fighters, seized two American Hummer vehicles, and radio communications equipment on Wednesday.

“Ten fighters at least of the SDF were captured by the organization,” the monitor said, claiming the fate of six others is unknown. 

Coalition forces have also reportedly suspended air support missions in the area. 

When approached by Rudaw, the US-led coalition declined to comment on the incident or the alleged suspension of air support. 

A Kurdish commander said last week that the fight against ISIS is taking “longer than expected,” because of weather conditions and the concentration of hardcore jihadists with years of fighting experience.

Last updated 7:47 p.m.