Not France, not Damascus, no one will stop Turkey eliminating terror: FM

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Turkey will not be deterred from its mission to “eliminate terrorists” in northern Syria, not by France or the Syrian regime, said the country’s foreign minister on Tuesday. 

Turkey is preparing to launch an attack against Kurdish forces in northern Syria within months, after United States President Donald Trump’s shock announcement last week that he was pulling American troops out of the country and handing over the reins in the war against ISIS in Syria to Turkey. 

The co-chairs of the Kurdish-led civil administration visited Paris to enlist more help from France who have troops on the ground in northern Syria. 

France has said they will stay in Syria until the job is done and ISIS is defeated. 

“We have no information that they have sent additional troops to Syria, but they have said they will continue their presence there,” said Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu of France, Hurriyet Daily News reported. 

“What we have told them is that it’s okay if they are there to contribute to the future of Syria, but if they are doing to protect the YPG, it will be futile,” he added, referring to the armed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). 

The possibility of Syrian regime forces bolstering Kurdish defences in northern Syria will also not deter Turkey, Cavusoglu added. 

“We will never hesitate in eliminating terrorists from our border even though the YPG agreed with the Syrian regime and they will control the area together,” he said. 

He compared the situation to Turkey’s attacks on the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, despite objections from Baghdad. 

“The same is valid for Syria. This is about a national security issue. If we don’t do it today, we would pay a heavier price in the future.”

Turkey is closely watching to see what Damascus will do, he said. “Would the Syrian regime enter east of the Euphrates, would they dare do so, and whether they are in talks with YPG are issues that need to be confirmed.”

Ankara is coordinating with Washington and Moscow as the US withdraws. Turkey wants to make sure the Kurds don’t somehow benefit from “any potential vacuum” after the Americans leave, said Cavusoglu. 

The US-Turkey working group on Syria is due to meet on January 8 to discuss the withdrawal and ensuring the completion of the Manbij road map. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he plans to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin after Cavusoglu pays a planned visit to Moscow to discuss developments in Syria. 

An ally of Damascus, Russia is an influential international player in Syria. 

Russia forces were reported in the town of Arima, west of Manbij on Tuesday, according to conflict monitor Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The town is under the control of the Kurdish-backed Manbij Military Council and regime forces have been present there since last year. 

Meanwhile, the SDF and the international coalition continue to battle ISIS in the Euphrates River valley of Deir ez-Zor. 

More than 260 ISIS members have been caught trying to escape among 5,500 civilians who fled ISIS-held territories in the past week, since Trump’s announced withdrawal, according to the Observatory. 

"ISIS presents a very real threat to the long-term stability in this region and our mission remains the same, the enduring defeat of ISIS," said British Maj. Gen. Christopher Ghika, coalition deputy commander.