ENKS to hold protests in Rojava against fuel prices, political pressure

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Opposition umbrella group Kurdish National Council (ENKS) announced Thursday it will hold protests in northeast Syria (Rojava) Friday against the recent hike in fuel prices and the detention of its members.  

“We call on the sons of our people in all areas to attend the protests to condemn and refuse decisions to increase fuel and bread prices and the imposition of fees on people as well as [demand] release of political detainees,” the ENKS said in a statement on Thursday.

The protests will be held in several towns but the main one will be in front of the United Nations (UN) office in Qamishli at 5pm on Friday. 

ENKS had previously set Sunday for its protests but a decision by the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria’s (NES) coronavirus-linked crisis cell to impose a week-long full lockdown in the Jazira region, which includes Qamishli, made them push the protests forward. 
According to the decision by the cell, starting from Saturday, people will not be allowed to be out due to an increase in virus cases. 
Jwan Mustafa, head of health board, told ANHA that coronavirus cases have been increasing since August, adding that currently it is “increasing rapidly.”
The board recorded 170 new cases and 10 deaths on Thursday, bringing the total number of cases to 25,749 - including 873 deaths.  
It is not clear if the security forces will prevent Friday’s protests, but the ENKS said a group of people protested in Amuda town on Thursday against low quality of life without any reported restrictions.  
When the NES increased fuel prices on May 17, people from Qamishli took to the streets, demanding the reversal of the decision the next day. This made the administration call the decision off.  
However, Sulaiman Oso, a member of the ENKS, said in a video message on Facebook on Wednesday that the cancellation of Decision 119 in May did not stop the NES from increasing fuel prices.
“Many people are thinking about fleeing to Europe” due to high prices and economic crisis, added Oso. 
ENKS, which does not recognize the NES, has had thorny relations with the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD). Despite years of talks, both sides have failed to reach an agreement on Rojava. 
Several ENKS members have been detained by security forces and its office attacked by unknown gunmen recently. 
Syria as a whole is suffering from an economic crisis and the US sanctions against the country have worsened this. Despite the fact that Rojava has been excluded from the sanctions, their impact on the region can clearly be noticed.