Rojava announces COVID-19 lockdown in four cities

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Four cities of northeastern Syria will be in total lockdown starting next week under restrictions announced Saturday to combat spread of the COVID-19 virus as numbers spike. 

All non-essential services and institutions are ordered closed for ten days, from November 26 to December 5, in Hasaka, Qamishli, Tabqa, and Raqqa, under a directive from the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, (known to Kurds as Rojava). Similar measures are already in place in the Euphrates region and the city of Derik.  

The Rojava health department regularly registers more than 100 new cases daily. On Saturday, it recorded 113 new infections, bringing the total to 6,591. Six new deaths pushed the death toll to 178.  

The autonomous region has limited testing capacity and healthcare resources.  

The central Syrian government in Damascus has reported 7,079 coronavirus cases and 368 deaths as of Friday.