Assad adviser trumpets Syrian-YPG cooperation

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban, claimed that the Syrian Kurdish YPG forces are fighting alongside the regime and Russia to “to clear northern Syria of terrorism.”

"There is no problem with the Kurds in Syria," she went on to claim in an interview with Syrian state media on Friday.

Her comments come shortly after Bashar Jaafari, Damascus's envoy to the United Nations, also spoke of coordination with the YPG, or Peoples’ Protection Units.

"These Syrian Kurds supported by the American administration are also supported by the Syrian government -- just for your information," Jaafari said.

“The victory achieved in the northern part of Syria, both by the Syrian army and the Syrian Kurds, is a joint victory for all the Syrians.

Everybody is benefiting from the Syrian army direct support," he said.