Renewed water shortages hit Hasaka

HASAKA, Syria — Hasaka residents have been struggling with water shortages for nearly 10 days after the water supply from Allouk water’s station was reportedly cut by Turkish-backed forces in Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain). 

It is the latest of several shortages over the past year.

Hasaka locals have to buy water tanks every two days.

“Water shortages are very bad, especially this year. We had water last week but it has been cut for four days. They say it has been cut from Allouk. Now we contact water sellers and buy it from them,” local Ebta Mohammed told Rudaw on Monday.

But not everyone can afford the price of water tanks.

“Every three to four days I refill three water tanks for 4,000 Syrian pounds each. I buy water for 72,000 Syrian pounds per month. It is equal to the salary of two government employees. It’s very expensive. I can afford it but there are people who can’t,” added Adil Fetah.

A damaged water station is under reconstruction to provide an alternative water source. 

The project is funded by the Rojava self-administration and a local organization called Furat.

Farida Ebdo is the project manager, she says the water station was badly damaged during the war against Islamic State (ISIS) militants in the city.

“This station was damaged a lot during the war against ISIS. We are trying to renovate it. We will transport water from the Euphrates to Hasaka," says project manager Farida Ebdo.

The station was built by the Syrian government and was in use for three years before the outbreak of civil war in 2011. 

Translation and video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed