Russia has not withdrawn from Afrin area: Lavrov

UNITED NATIONS, New York – Russian troops have not withdrawn from the Afrin area, despite Turkish reports.

Speaking to the press in New York, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected reports that Russian troops had pulled out of Afrin.

Turkish media had claimed that Russian forces had begun withdrawing in preparation for Turkey’s military operation in Afrin.

In answer to a question from Rudaw, Lavrov said that Russia is working with Iran and Turkey to reduce tensions in the area, but noted that Turkey’s presence is necessary as terror threats still exist.

Turkey should have set up about 23 or 24 checkpoints in Idlib province, south of Afrin, as part of the de-escalation zone agreed on in Astana, he said.

Turkey has said they will launch an operation against the Kurdish forces in Afrin held by the People's Protections Units (YPG), which they deem a terror organization. The country’s defence minister said the operation has “de facto” begun as Turkish forces are shelling the Kurdish region.