Putin and Assad ready to activate political process in Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – After “great results” achieved by the Syrian army, the situation is now favourable for pursuing a political solution to the conflict, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said after meeting with Syria’s Bashar al-Assad on Thursday. 

Assad has decided to send representatives to take part in a constitutional committee to that effort, according to a statement from the Kremlin.

Moscow is a key backer of Assad, propping up his regime and throwing its military support behind the Syrian army.

Assad hailed his recent military successes and the return of many Syrians to their homes. 

He traveled to Sochi for a working meeting with Putin and the defence and foreign affairs ministries. Sochi played host to a congress in January the purpose of which was to make some progress on peace talks to end Syria’s more than seven-year-long civil war. The congress, marred by boycotts and heckles, concluded with an agreement to form a committee to discuss a post-war constitution. 

Key players will meet again in Sochi in July. The meeting was announced this week in Astana, after the ninth round of de-escalation talks in the Kazakhstan capital led by Russia, Iran, and Turkey. 

The United Nations’ special envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, described the Astana meeting as “useful… with some concrete discussions on de-escalation,” particularly in Idlib province, one of the last remaining areas held by rebel forces. 

Putin and Assad also discussed necessary steps to restore Syria’s economy and meet the massive humanitarian needs of the country, with the Russian leader saying they were counting on support from the United nations and all countries interested in helping resolve Syria’s crisis.