LIVE UPDATE: Aleppo evacuation underway



The first convoy to leave eastern Aleppo carried 951 women, children and the wounded, Reuters reported citing a Syrian official.


3:47 pm

Rebel fighters and their families transported out of eastern Aleppo

Syria's State TV shows a number of buses and ambulances transporting rebel fighters and their families out of eastern Aleppo from  the Ramouseh crossing. It said the evacuation is underway with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).


"20 buses [and] 13 ambulances [are] crossing the front line with civilians from east Aleppo, some critically wounded," the ICRC from Syria said. 


The ICRC's Regional Director Robert Mardini tweeted that the first group includes 26 wounded people who are evacuated to western Aleppo. 




3:17 pm


five thousands rebel fighters and their families are expected to be evacuated from the rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo, Syria's state TV reported citing  the Russian Defense Ministry. 


3:10 pm

EU High Representative: “Serious transition in Syria needed. This can not be built on ruins of Aleppo”

Federica Mogherin, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security  Policy, told reporters that Aleppo is not the end of war in Syria, and that true,inclusive and serious transition is needed. 



2:55 pm

Simultaneous evacuation in Idlib province  underway 

Twenty-nine buses and ambulances are heading towards the Shiite villages of Foua and Kefraya in Idlib province to evacuate injured people and a umber of families, Hama Governor told the Syrian regime media. 


The Wednesday evacuation collapsed because Iran insisted that these two villages, controlled by the Syrian regime forces and its allies, should simultaneously be evacuated. 


Meanwhile, the evacuation of 200 injured people from East Aleppo has begun by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Syria’s Red Crescent.


The Regional Director for ICRC Robert Mardini said their teams are doing all they can, and reported that they are safe.



12:50 pm

Turkey welcomes its "brothers and sisters" from eastern Aleppo 

The spokesperson for the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan says his country have made all the preparation in Idlib, northwestern Syria, and in Turkey to receive "our brothers and sisters" from eastern Aleppo.


12:41 pm

Syria's state TV shows ambulances starting to move to rebel-held areas in eastern Aleppo.


12:36 pm

Rebel fighters set fire to their bases before leaving their areas

Plumes of smoke rise above the war-torn eastern Aleppo  as the Syrian rebel fighters, said to number about 4,000, and some activists set fire to their bases and belongings before leaving their areas, , the UK-based Syrian Observatory fro Human Rights reported, and also confirmed by Syria's state TV. 


12:22 pm

4,000 rebel fighters to be evacuated from eastern Aleppo

All preparation have been done to evacuate 4,000 rebel fighters from eastern Aleppo along with their families, Syria's state TV reported. 



12:07 pm

Aleppo evacuation "suspended" 

Raed Al Saleh, the head of the Syrian Civil Defence says the evacuation has been "suspecnded" because one of its teams have come under fire by the Syrian regmie forces and its alllies. He  said four people got injurred in the attack, including the head of the first responders regiment in Aleppo. Al Saleh said attack is a "violation" of the ceasefire. 



11:35 am


White Helmet volunteer shot and injured in Aleppo

The Syrian Civil Defense also known as the White Helmets, claims that one of its volunteers was shot and injured while clearing an evacuation route for ambulances in Aleppo. 



11:10 am

 International Committee of the Red Cross evacuates wounded militants from eastern Aleppo 

The Russian Defense Ministry says the International Committee of the Red Cross employees are engaged in assisting and transportation wounded militants from eastern Aleppo, the Russian News Agency Interfax reported. 


Meanwhile, the Beirut-based Al-Mayadeen TV streamed live from the Ramouseh crossing in eastern Aleppo, where Syrian Arab Red Crescent Ambulances are waiting to evacuate wounded and sick Syrians out of the besieged quadrant of the city.



10:46 am

Civilians gather in eastern Aleppo for evacuation 

Civilians are waiting for evacuation in al-Mashhad district that is under the control of Syrian rebel fighters in eastern Aleppo, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. It said the evacuation, expected to begin "within minutes" will start with injured people, to be followed by the civilians and rebel fighters. 


VIDEO: Government-held areas in eastern Aleppo on Wednesday. 


9:50 am

Preparation underway for evacuation 


Preparations have begun for the evacuation of Syrian rebel fighters and civilians from east Aleppo, Al-Manar TV, the official news outlet of Lebanon’s Hezbollah reported. It added that the rebel fighters are expected to leave to Khan Tuman, southwest of Aleppo. 



A plan to evacuate rebel fighters and the civilians from east Aleppo is set to begin on Thursday morning following a Russian-Turkish brokered deal.

A similar plan collapsed on Wednesday when Iran, which backs the Syrian regime forces, insisted that the evacuation should simultaneously include some villages currently under siege by the Syrian rebel fighters northwestern of the country.

A military commander told Reuters news agency  that the evacuation were to begin at 6 a.m local time on Thursday (0400 GMT), but as of yet there are no indications that it will go ahead as planned.

A news outlet  run by Lebanon’s Hezbollah said the news about the ceasefire is not true and that the negotiations face “big complications”.

The regime forces, backed by Russia, Iran and non-state actors like the Shiite Hezbollah forces, have made big gains in the recent weeks against the Syrian rebel forces in east Aleppo. 

Should the rebels leave east Aleppo, it will be  the biggest victory for the Syrian regime since the civil war begun in 2011. 

There are some reports that at least 50,000 civilians are still in the rebel-held districts inside east Aleppo.

The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart  Vladimir Putin discussed the situation in Aleppo on Wednesday in a phone call.

Both presidents confirmed the decision to make joint efforts to start the evacuation as soon as possible, the Turkish state-run Anadolu Agency reported.