Syrian PM visits areas mainly under Kurdish control

QAMISHLI, Syria – Syria’s prime minister on Sunday visited the cities of Qamishli and Hasaka, which are controlled by Kurdish forces and the Syrian army.

The official Syrian news agency (SANA) said that Wael al-Halaqi’s visit was the first to the region and was meant to focus on inspecting the economic, industrial and agricultural development, and to visit Syrian army forces on the frontlines.

Both Qamishli and Hasaka are controlled by the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian army: each has control over some parts of the cities.

Halaqi, accompanied by five cabinet members, allocated $4.5 million to the the budget of Hasaka province, SANA said.

The YPG’s supervisory group, PYD, has denied links with the Syrian regime, though in April Syrian reconciliation Minister Ali Haidar told Rudaw he had conducted “constructive talks” with Kurdish officials on a visit to Syrian Kurdistan.

He also added that the Syrian regime had provided all possible military assistance to the Kurdish forces in order to empower them against terror.