SDF warn of ISIS financing operations in Rojava

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are wary of the international community seemingly turning a blind-eye on the Islamic State’s (ISIS) smuggling networks in Turkish-controlled areas in northern Syria (Rojava), the force said on Friday.
In a press release, the SDF said it was vigilant about the presence of militias in the region enabling the increasing presence of ISIS smuggling networks operating in and around the town of Sari Kani (Ras al-Ain). 
One such militia allegedly supporting the activities of ISIS is the "Abu al-Qa'qaa" faction. Militias such as the "Abu al-Qa'qaa" function as networks facilitating the smuggling of people into Turkey and using the funds to finance ISIS activities, according to the SDF.
The Kurdish-led force also expressed concern with "international inaction" with regards to the criminal networks in the Turkish-occupied areas, warning about the growing danger of the terrorist organization and claiming such activities will "impede efforts to combat terrorism".
ISIS controlled vast swathes of territory in both Iraq and Syria in 2014, and declared itself a so-called caliphate. The terrorist group was territorially defeated in Iraq and Syria in 2017 and 2019 respectively. The SDF is the US-led coalition's main ally in the fight against ISIS in Syria.

ISIS conducted over 300 terrorist operations in northern Syria in 2021, killing hundreds. The terrorist group's re-emergence is raising significant concern and threatening the area's security. 
Last November, an alleged ISIS financier was arrested in Syria's eastern province of Deir ez-Zor.

In its propaganda magazine on Thursday, ISIS claimed it conducted five attacks in Syria from January 6 to 12, killing and injuring five people.