Kurdish forces have ISIS in retreat in Kobane

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Kobane captured seven important locations from the Islamic State (ISIS) in a joint major assault, a Peshmerga official told Rudaw.

Meanwhile, YPG forces killed 16 ISIS militants in northeastern Kobane.

The Peshmerga’s Captain Sherwan Mohammad said, “We started a major assault on the ISIS militants, detaining many types of different military equipment.”

He said that warplanes were bombing “ISIS strongholds in the city,” and that Kurdish forces were on the offensive against ISIS, whose militants he said were fighting defensively and retreating.

A Rudaw reporter said that US planes had carried out three bombing raids against ISIS positions since Saturday.

He said that clashes continued, with Peshmerga and YPG forces fighting together against the militants.