Described as excellent partners against ISIS, SDF marks first anniversary

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- The multi-ethnic Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which is marking its first anniversary this week, has proven to be a formidable force and key ally against the Islamic State (ISIS) in northern Syria.

The SDF began with several founding members, including the dominant Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and Women's Protection Units (YPJ) in October 2015. 


Over the past year, another 10 military groups have subsequently joined the SDF. The SDF includes Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Assyrians, Armenians, and Circassians.

This force was established with the basic objective of building a democratic Syria, said Bander Himêdî El-Deham, commander of al-Sanadid Forces during the announcement of the SDF foundation.

The SDF has also formed three military councils from local populations and have since played key role in liberating places such Manbij, al-Bab, and Jarablus.

The SDF has received arms and air support from the United States. US Special Forces have also been embedded with the SDF in northern Syria.

US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter has described the SDF as an excellent partner on the ground in fighting ISIS. 

Key military successes of the SDF include the retaking of Shaddadi from ISIS in February 2016, Umm Madfah on the Iraq-Syria border in March, and Manbij in August 2016.

The draft constitution of the Federation of Northern Syria – Rojava had named the SDF as the official defense force.