Russia delivers aid to Qamishlo and Hasakah for families of dead regime soldiers

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Russian military has delivered 12 tons of humanitarian aid to the families of dead Syrian regime soldiers in the cities of Qamishlo and Hasakah in northeastern Syria.

A Russian army officer said that the aid was delivered to the Syrian army at Qamishlo airport on Tuesday, the first day of a ceasefire brokered by Russia and the United States.

He said that 10 tons of flour, a ton of sugar and one ton of canned meat were delivered for the “families of the martyrs of the Syrian Arab Army.”


Hasakah Governor Mohammed Ali said the city is in urgent need of humanitarian aid because it has been under siege by “terrorist groups.”

“This is the first round of Russian aid to the Hasakah province. Hasakah, which used to be a prosperous province, is now surrounded by terrorist groups. That is why its people need the help from its friends.” the governor said. 

“One of those friends is Russia. We have decided to distribute this aid among the families of the martyrs who bravely defended the Syrian soil.”

He said that, besides the families of dead soldiers, other needy Syrians would receive the aid.

Most of Hasakah and Qamishlo are under the control of the Kurdish administration in Rojava, or Syrian Kurdistan. The Syrian government still controls some areas.