YPG: These are ISIS’ last hours in Manbij

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The liberation of Manbij is nearly complete as the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have launched an operation against Islamic State in their holdout of al-Sarb neighbourhood. 

The Manbij Military Council, the body overseeing the liberation of Manbij, released a statement Friday announcing the final push of their forces. 

Islamic State (ISIS) militants are holed up in a small area in the north of the city where they have detained an unknown number of hostages who they are using as human shields. 

From the beginning of the campaign, reads the Council’s statement, “ISIS has used the civilians as human shields to hide behind and has used them in their plans in the war. We have taken all the necessary precautions to secure the safety and lives of our people. We have considered this a main priority and have taken all the necessary measures to protect innocent civilians from any harm.”

The SDF have rescued more than 170,000 civilians from Manbij and surrounding areas during the operation, which was begun in late May, the statement said. 

The SDF have three times made offers to ISIS to release the hostages in exchange for safe passage out of Manbij. The last offer was made five days ago, “But ISIS has rejected [the offers] without regard for the safety and lives of civilians and continues to kill and torture innocent people.”

As a result of ISIS’ refusal to negotiate, the Council announced, they have no choice but to carry out a military operation to rescue the hostages and defeat ISIS. “This will be the last crucial operation in the liberation of Manbij.”

That operation is ongoing as clashes continue in northern Manbij, the SDF Press Centre confirmed Friday afternoon, adding that they have rescued 600 civilians so far. 

ISIS militants are attempting to disguise themselves and escape with the civilians and flee towards Jarabulus, the SDF added. 

Polat Can, the representative of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) to the global anti-ISIS coalition, tweeted that these are the last hours of ISIS in Manbij. The YPG are the dominant force within the SDF.