SDF denies reports of military movement in eastern Deir ez-Zor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Tuesday denied reports of military movements in the eastern banks of Euphrates in the countryside of Deir ez-Zor, stating that their forces are in the region as part of their commitment to “ultimately eliminate” Islamic State (ISIS) cells.
“Recently, some media outlets have circulated misinformation about the movements of our forces in the Deir Ezzor area,” read the statement from the SDF, “we confirm that all information and speculations circulated are incorrect and not based on any factual basis.”
On Saturday, the UK-Based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the SDF had brought in around 500 armored vehicles for military reinforcement from Hasaka to the towns in the eastern bank of Deir ez-Zor, opposite the areas held by the Syrian regime forces and Iran-backed militias. 
The war monitor reported on Sunday that the Syrian regime forces had brought a convoy of military equipment from Damascus to the countryside of Deir ez-Zor within its area of control. The Syrian regime reinforcements are comprised of four army divisions and the Republican Guard force.
The international coalition forces also set up a new balloon for observation on the Koniko gas field in northern Deir ez-Zor, according to SOHR.
Rudaw English reached out to the US Central Command (CENTCOM) for a comment but they were not immediately available.
The SDF said that the operations in the region are performed with the participation of the internal security forces (Asayish) “within the framework of routine military operations” aimed at maintaining the progress achieved in the fight against ISIS cells and improving security and stability in the region. 
 “Our forces and the Internal Security Forces will remain more active in the coming period as part of our efforts to ultimately eliminate ISIS cells and protect the population,” the statement added.
The SDF is a Kurdish-led armed force that was established during Syria’s civil conflict. It is the US-led global coalition’s main ally in the fight against ISIS militants in Syria.
Since the defeat of its so-called caliphate in Syria in 2019, ISIS remains active in the area carrying out hit-and-run attacks on civilian and military forces, especially in the Deir ez-Zor area, which is controlled by both the SDF and the regime forces. 
Since the start of this year, ISIS has carried out over 80 attacks targeting the SDF and Rojava’s administration, according to SOHR.