Syrian Kurds open representation office in Geneva

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The Syrian Kurdish (Rojava) administration on Monday opened an office in Geneva, Switzerland, home to many headquarters of United Nations bodies, where it plans to push for support to end human rights abuses in areas of Syria controlled by Turkey. 

“In an effort to develop our relations with European countries, our next step was to open a representative for the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria [AANES] in Switzerland because of its great importance and a key presence in the Syrian file,” the foreign office of the Rojava administration announced.

Syria’s Kurds carved out an autonomous region in the northeast during the country’s civil conflict. In the area known as Rojava they established their own system of governance and their armed force, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), is a key ally of the global coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS), defeating the terror group’s so-called caliphate. After a decade of Syria’s conflict, they want to hold onto their achievements and foster international recognition. 

The office in Geneva will introduce to Switzerland the Rojava administration and its vision for the future of Syria. Geneva is the site of UN-sponsored Syrian constitutional talks, which the Rojava administration has been excluded from. 

Turkish occupation of parts of Rojava “will be a priority on the representative’s agenda as it will work to expose the practices of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries in the occupied areas before international organizations,” the AANES statement added.

Turkey has carried out two military operations against Kurdish forces in Syria, invading the Afrin area in the northwest in 2018, and areas around the two cities of Sari Kani (Ras al-Ayn) and Gire Spi (Tal Abyad) in 2019. Syrian militias backed by Turkey are accused of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in these areas they control. Last week, a father and three children were killed in Turkish bombing of their home in Ain Issa.

The Rojava administration has representative offices in the Kurdistan Region, Russia, Germany, France, Sweden, and the Benelux nations. The Syrian Democratic Council, a body that includes the AANES and the SDF, has an office in Washington.