Rudaw journalists released from detention in Rojava
Erbil, Kurdistan Region – Two Rudaw journalists were detained by Kurdish security forces on Saturday in the Syrian town of Gerki Lage while covering a demonstration over the death of Farinaz Khosrawani, a Kurdish hotel maid who died in unexplained circumstances this week in Iran.
Rudaw TV reporter Azad Jimkari and his cameraman Tariq Shukri were ushered away by security forces without explanation during a demonstration organized by the Kurdish Women's Union- Syria in the ethnically Kurdish region of Syria known to Kurds as Rojava. The woman's group had gathered to call for justice in the case that sparked rioting and led to 25 casualties in the Iranian Kurdish city of Mahabad on Thursday.
The journalists were reportedly released after several hours in police custody.
The Rudaw Media Network condemns the behavior of the Gerki Lage security forces and demands no further interference from local authorities.
This is not the first time Rudaw jouralists have been obstructed in areas of Rojava under the leadership of the Democratic Union Party-Syria.
Meanwhile, tensions are still underway in the ethnically Kurdish city of Mahabad, Iran, where protesters torched a hotel over the unexplained death of Farinaz Khosrawani. Protests have sprung up in other Kurdish cites in Turkey, Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.