ISIS claims suicide bombing against Syrian Kurds in Hasakah

The Islamic State (ISIS) militant group claimed on Wednesday that it was responsible for the suicide bombing in the Kurdish-majority city of Hasakah in northeastern Syria, which killed at least 16 people on Tuesday evening.

The suicide bomber managed to infiltrate the city’s Salihiah district, where a large crowd had gathered to celebrate the end of Ramadan, and detonate his explosives in the middle of the crowd. He was driving a motorbike.

ISIS claimed responsibility for this attack through social media.

The explosion also wounded another 40,  fifteen of whom, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor, are in a critical condition, meaning the death toll from that attack may rise.

Hasakah is mostly controlled by the Syrian Kurdish Peoples Protection Units (YPG); pockets of the city are also still under the control of the regime. These forces have clashed in the past but none of these clashes escalated into a shooting war.