Coalition warns people to leave ahead of SDF operation in Hajin, Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — An assault on the besieged ISIS enclave of Hajin, Syria, near the border with Iraq is imminent by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), as leaflets have been dropped warning civilians to leave.

One confirmed by the coalition on Wednesday reads: "Coalition forces will begin clearing operations soon. Leave the area as quickly as possible. Avoid Daesh at all costs."

Hajin is located in the east of Deir ez-Zor governorate, near Iraq's al-Qaim border crossing in Anbar province.

"Preparation by the SDF for the clearance of Hajin is ongoing, in addition to providing safe passage for civilians leaving the area," coalition spokesperson US Army Col. Sean Ryan told Rudaw English on Monday.


Leaflets telling the people around Hajin to leave ahead of an imminent SDF offensive to clear ISIS. 

The US-led international anti-ISIS coalition's partnered ground force, the SDF, conducted artillery strikes on four towns — Hajin, al-Susah, al-Shafa and al-Baghuz — near Al Boukamal in the Middle Euphrates River Valley (MERV) on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

Several ISIS members were killed and injured on Tuesday, the Observatory added. A support convoy belonging to the coalition was seen in the al-Bahra area carrying infantry vehicles, bulldozers, and missile launchers.

SDF spokesperson Kino Gabriel confirmed in a video on Monday that "the Syrian Democratic Forces continue preparations for the final phase of Operation Roundup. Our forces continue to regroup and take positions needed with equipment and work to maintain stability in the liberated areas."

In May, the Iraqi Air Force provided air support for clearing operations in Hajin.

The Pentagon says the SDF now control 98 percent of the territory ISIS once held in their areas. US Defense Secretary James Mattis has called the MERV "ISIS's last stand."

"[W]e expect an intense fight as ISIS fighters there make a last stand in their last territory in Coalition areas," added Ryan.