Car explosion kills Asayish official in Qamishli: Monitor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - An official of the internal security forces (Asayish) in northeast Syria (Rojava) was killed on Tuesday after his car exploded, allegedly due to a Turkish drone strike, near a prison complex in the city of Qamishli, a war monitor reported. 

“A car belonging to a commander in the Asayish exploded near the prison of Umm al-Fursan in the countryside of Qamishli, north of Hasaka,” said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based war monitor. 

The car explosion coincided with the presence of a Turkish drone in the air, the Observatory added. 

Hawar News Agency (ANHA), a local media outlet affiliated with the Kurdish-led administration in Rojava, reported the Asayish cordoned off the area and launched an investigation into the explosion.

The Umm al-Fursan prison in Qamishli hosts detainees under investigation by the Asayish, according to ANHA. 

On Wednesday, a mother and her son were killed by a car bomb in an urban street in Qamishli, the Asayish said at the time. A landmine had been planted inside the vehicle prior to the explosion. 

Turkey has yet to claim responsibility for Tuesday’s explosion.

Ankara frequently carries out strikes in northern Syria on the grounds of targeting affiliates of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) - a Kurdish group that has waged an armed insurgency against the Turkish state in the struggle for greater Kurdish rights for decades.

The PKK and its alleged offshoots in Syria are designated as “terrorist” organizations by Ankara. 

Islamic State (ISIS) militants also continue to pose serious security risks in Rojava, including car bombings, hit-and-run attacks, and abductions.