Rojava Asayish says Turkish drone strike targets center in Qamishli

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The internal security forces (Asayish) of northeast Syria (Rojava) in a statement on Friday claimed Turkey targeted one of their centers in the eastern part of Qamishli in a drone strike, resulting in four officers being killed and one injured.

The statement added that the center was hit as members of the internal security forces engaged in the third phase of Operation Humanity and Security in al-Hol camp went there to secure the necessary material for the operation.

Last week Rojava’s Asayish and the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), with the support of the global coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS), launched the third phase of Operation Humanity and Security, conducted inside the notorious al-Hol camp which houses thousands of ISIS family members. The new operation comes in response to an increase in ISIS activities in the camp.  

The statement by the Rojava Asayish media center accused Turkey of distracting their forces from combating terrorism through such attacks, claiming the move represents “clear support for ISIS” and an act enabling the group to “revive” and carry out terrorist attacks targeting the people of Rojava. 

The statement stressed that “these attacks cannot hinder us [Rojava Asayish] from performing our duties,” adding that the security forces “will work harder, more resolutely and more determined than ever before to achieve stability in our regions.”

The Asayish are a police and security force predominantly in Rojava that is affiliated with the Kurdish-led SDF, which Ankara claims are linked to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). 

Turkish forces frequently conduct drone strikes on targets in northern Syria on the grounds that they have links to the outlawed group. 

The Turkish army has increased its bombardment of Rojava since December, targeting particularly oil fields and refineries, electricity stations and other civil service facilities, especially in Qamishli.


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