Syrian rebels captured by YPG confess to torturing Kurdish fighters

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--The Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) counter-terror unit (YAT) captured two members of the Sultan Murad brigade, a force fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). The two were captured in a special operation and according to the YPG confessed to have been involved in torturing Kurdish fighters who were taken captive a few days ago near Jarablus. 

The YPG released a video of the two Syrian opposition rebels captured by their counter-terror units, according to the Hawar news agency (ANHA).

YPG’s spokesperson, Redur Xelil, on his twitter on Thursday announced “Those who tortured our fighters in Jarablus were captured in a special operation by the counter-terror units YAT.”

The two captives are “Muhamad Ahmad and Ali Muhamad from Hama city, who soon stated that they were deceived by the Turkish state,” according to ANHA.

In the video, the two men confessed that they were part of the group who tortured the four YPG fighters, and they said their brigade receives support from Turkey.

Rebel Muhamad Ahmad said, “The officials told us we will fight ISIS and the Kurds. Kurds are bad, and we are right.”

“But when we entered Jarablus, it was empty and there was not anyone there,” he explained. 

The YPG fighters shown in the video being beaten by rebels were handed over to Turks by the Sultan Murad brigade, the two men confirmed.

A video obtained by Rudaw showed soldiers of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) beating and kicking YPG fighters taken captive in fighting, including child soldiers.

Another video shows four YPG fighters who were taken captive on Sunday. In the video, Syrian rebels call the captives “separatists.” They said that, at the "request of the people in the villages south of Jarablus, we came today and liberated the villages from these separatists."

"Our first and last goal is the unity of Syria, and we want to cleanse Syria from these separatist groups, the Assad regime and ISIS," the rebels said.