US Embassy attack: live updates

The US embassy in Baghdad was attacked by pro-Tehran-backed militia supporters on Tuesday



Protesters pull off plaque from entrance of U.S. embassy in Baghdad

Protesters pull off a plaque from the entrance of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad on Dec. 31, 2019. Photo via AFP/Ahmad al-Rubaye


PM Abdul-Mahdi releases statement about phone call with US President Trump

Iraqi security forces stand guard in front of the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2019. Photo via AP/Khalid Mohammed)
Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi received a phone call from US President Donald Trump at 19:30 (GMT +3).

According to the Prime Minister's office, Trump asked about "the situation in Iraq and developments on the US Embassy in Baghdad."

Abdul-Mahdi told Trump that "Iraqi security forces to continue to fulfill their duty to protect the US Embassy and other diplomatic missions and representations."

In reference to relations between US and Iran, the official Twitter account of the Iraqi Prime Minister's Office quoted the PM as saying, "[The] Iraqi government has always sought to maintain good relations with neighboring countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as friendly Western countries, including the United States of America. However, the situation deteriorated because of differences between both sides."

Abdul-Mahdi told Trump that his country sides with negotiations, reminded his American counterpart that both Washington and Tehran do not want war, and stressed that both countries have to reach an agreement.

"The US President Mr. Trump expressed his confidence in the importance of Iraq and its leadership role in this regard [ending US-Iran tensions]," said the readout.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale also called spoke with PM Abdul-Mahdi on the phone "to follow up on the latest developments in the country."

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Iraqi Parliament Speaker: Embassy storming 'unacceptable'

Iraqi Parliament Speaker Mohammed al Halbousi calls the storming of the US embassy "unacceptable".

"Attempting to storm the US Embassy and attack its compound is unacceptable behaviour which harms Iraq's interests and distorts the image of our people. The act contradicts international norms and agreements. I call on the government to affirm its committment to its legal obligations in the protection of diplomatic missions' offices," he tweeted

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Kataib Hezbollah spokesman: US ambassador, troops should be expelled from Iraq

Mohammed Mohieh, the spokesman of Iraq's Iranian-backed Kataib Hezbollah tells IRGC affiliates media outlet Tasnimnews that the US ambassador and US forces must be expelled from Iraq. 

"By striking our forces in the strategic location of Al-Qaem, United States wants to close the corridor that starts in Iran and ends in Lebanon through Iraq and Syria. America sees this corridor as an strategic land passage to give assistance to resistance", he told the outlet.

The spokesman of the Popular Mobilization Forces unit (PMF), also known as  Hashd al-Shaabi in Arabic, called for the "restoration of credibility and dignity" to Iraqi people, "whose sovereignty and identity have been violated."


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Apache helicopters sent to embassy

Video from Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III
Video from Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III
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Senator Graham: 'No more Benghazis'

Prominent Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has met with US President Trump over the unfolding situation in Baghdad.  Continue Reading


US Senator Marco Rubio: "Orchestrated attack"

Source: Twitter

Florida Senator Marco Rubio has denounced headlines labelling those storming the US embassy as protesters, calling the incident an "orchestrated attack" by Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

"These aren't 'protesters'. They are members of a militia controlled and supported by Iran," he tweeted

He described CNN headlines as "misleading" on the "orchestrated attack" developed over several months by the IRGC. 

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Embassy compound set ablaze

AFP video footage showing the entrance of the US embassy in Baghdad on December 31, 2019.
AFP video footage showing the entrance of the US embassy in Baghdad on December 31, 2019.
Video footage obtained from AFP shows part of the US embassy ablaze.  Continue Reading


Esper: extra US troops to be sent to Embassy

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (L) leaves the stage to US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (R) during a briefing on the US strikes against Iraqi militia groups in Iraq and Syria. Photo: AFP / Nicholas Kamm

AFP has reported US Secretary of Defense Mike Esper as saying extra troops will be deployed to the embassy in Baghdad. 

"We are sending additional forces to support our personnel at the embassy," Esper said. 

Apache helicopters have also been sent to the scene, according to Reuters.  

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US Embassy attack: live updates

Supporters of Iran-backed militias storming the US Embassy on Tuesday.Photo: Ahmad Al-Rubaye/AFP

Iraq's foreign ministry has said that they are "closely monitoring" the attack on US Embassy in Baghdad, assuring foreign missions in the country that the relevant authorities will protect them. 

The ministry "affirms that the diplomatic missions operating on Iraqi soil are highly respected and appreciated," adding that it is "committed" to protecting the compounds of the missions as per the Vienna Convention in a statement posted to Twitter.

"The prime minister has called on all to immediately stay away from these places [diplomatic missions], and stressed that any attack or provocation against embassies and foreign diplomats is an act which will be banned strictly by the security forces, and the law will punish them with the severest penalties," it added.



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