US warns attacks on foreign companies could detract Iraq investment

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The United States on Thursday condemned the recent attacks on foreign businesses in Baghdad, urging Iraqi authorities to act and warning that such attacks could detract investment from the country. 

American and British companies in Baghdad have been the target of a series of attacks in recent days, with the American company Caterpillar and the British Cambridge Institute being targeted with explosives overnight on Thursday, without causing casualties or material damage. 

“We condemn recent violent attacks against U.S. and international businesses and urge the Government of Iraq to conduct a thorough investigation, bring to justice those who are responsible, and prevent future attacks,” US Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski said on X. 

“These attacks endanger Iraqi lives and property, and could weaken Iraq’s ability to attract foreign investment,” the ambassador stressed. 

The attacks came days after branches of popular American fast food restaurant KFC in Baghdad were targeted.

A number of Western brands and companies in the Arab World, including KFC and Caterpillar, have been subject to boycott calls over their alleged links to Israel, with the boycotts particularly slashing the earnings of many popular chains including McDonald’s and Starbucks. 

The boycotts are in response to Israel’s deadly military campaign against the Gaza Strip which has killed over over 36,000, according to the Palestinian health ministry. Israel’s campaign was in retaliation to a large-scale incursion into southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas militants based in Gaza, which killed over 1,170. 

On Thursday, Iraq’s Security Media Cell called the attacks a “desperate” attempt to destabilize Iraq and harm its reputation.

“Such actions are a desperate attempt to harm Iraq’s reputation, the direction of reconstruction and providing services to citizens, as well as the status and sacrifices of our security forces,” the cell said in a statement.  

Iraq is a staunch supporter of the Palestinian cause and has on several occasions condemned the lack of global support for justice for Palestinians. 



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