President Barzani re-invites Iraqi political parties to Erbil to resolve crises

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani late Monday renewed his call on the Iraqi political parties to convene in Erbil to resolve their differences. This comes as the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad saw another day of protest which caused casualties. 

Ten months after Iraq held snap parliamentary elections, political parties have failed to elect a president and prime minister. Muqtada al-Sadr, Shiite powerful cleric and the winner of the vote, announced his “definitive retirement” from politics on Monday. After this, his supporters began storming government institutions, including the Republican Palace. 

President Barzani, who invited Iraqi political parties on August 2 to Erbil to resolve the issues, renewed the invitation on Monday, saying the Kurdistan Region has always been ready to help resolve differences between Iraqi political parties.  

“Therefore, we once again invite all Iraqi relevant forces and parties to Erbil to start a serious dialogue to address the current complicated situation in the country,” read a statement from Barzani.

The President added that he is observing the developments in Baghdad “with deep concern,” calling on all parties to practise self-restraint and prevent further escalation of the crises. 

Footage circulating on social media showed protesters gathering in Basra, Dhi Qar, and Maysan provinces as well.

At least ten people were killed and several dozen were injured during the protests in Baghdad, Reuters reported

The Sadrist Movement was the kingmaker of last year’s vote, gaining the largest number of seats. However, Sadr withdrew his lawmakers from the parliament in June after he failed to form a government and threatened to exclude his rival Iran-backed Coordination Framework from it.



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