ISIS threat lingers in disputed territories

JALAWLA, Iraq - Islamic State (ISIS) continues to operate in Iraq's disputed territories, with locals saying the terror group is especially active at night. 

"ISIS control at night stretches from Khanaqin to the Hamrin and Mandali mountain ranges. ISIS has not ended," said Hussein Ali, who lives in the Diyala town of Jalawla. 

ISIS has exploited a security vacuum in territories disputed between Erbil and Baghdad, carring out frequent attacks in Kirkuk, Diyala and Salahaddin provinces. 

Peshmerga and Iraqi forces launched a joint military operation in the disputed territories earlier this month, and have set up cooperation centers to fight ISIS.

"Our forces, together with our brothers from the PMF, are able to expel these militants. But we still call for coordination between the KRG and the federal government to take control of the security vacuum," said Diyala Governor Musana Tamimi.

Translation and video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed