ISIS executes more doctors in Mosul

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Islamic State (ISIS) authorities executed two more doctors in the city of Mosul, the latest in a campaign against physicians who refuse to join field hospitals or treat wounded fighters, a top health official said.

"Elements of the organization (ISIS) executed physicians Tareq Jassim and Adil Ayham, working in the Department of Surgery of the Republican General Hospital in Mosul,” said Dr. Firas al-Hamdani, head of the hospital’s emergency section.

“The bodies of the doctors arrived at the hospital morgue this evening after being executed by ISIS firing squad," he added.

ISIS arrested doctors at the hospital in September, after capturing the city in June.

The jihadi group has issued threats recently to punish doctors and nurses who refuse to treat its wounded fighters.

According to staff members of the Mosul Health Department ISIS has ordered all doctors to work round the clock.
In recent fighting with Kurdish Peshmerga forces, ISIS has suffered heavy losses and scores of wounded militants are believed to have been taken by the group to Mosul hospitals.