US top military official in Baghdad to ‘reassure’ Iraq of strategic partnership

Lawk Ghafuri
Lawk Ghafuri
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region The Iraqi Defense Ministry received top US  military officials on Wednesday to reinforce Iraqi-US security agreements.

Mark A. Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff  visited the Iraqi defense ministry on Wednesday to conduct two  official meetings with the Iraqi Defense Minister Najah al-Shammari and the Army’s  Chief of Staff. 

Milley was accompanied by the US ambassador and the Commander of the US-led Combined Joint Task Force -  Operation Inherent Resolve, which fights the Islamic State (ISIS).

The US embassy in Baghdad released a statement on Thursday morning confirming the visit to  discuss the “strategic partnership” between the US and Iraq, as well  as the security environment in Iraq and the wider Middle East.  

“The Chairman highlighted the continued efforts to strengthen  partnerships and defense cooperation between the United States and  Iraq,” the statement read, noting “the importance of the bilateral  relationship and the shared goal of a united, democratic, and  prosperous Iraq.”

The Iraqi Defense Ministry also released a statement on Wednesday regarding the meetings.

According to the Ministry, weapons provision and military trainings for Iraqi security forces were also discussed, dubbed the most important form of support by Othman al-Ghanimi, the Army’s Chief of Staff. 

Iraq is witnessing a wave of  anti-government protests in central and southern parts of the country, which have prompted deadly backlash from security forces. 

Pro-Iranian militia leaders in Iraq have accused the US and Israel of orchestrating the nationwide protests and blamed them for killing of the  peaceful protesters.

At least 320 protesters and security force personnel have died and  15,000 wounded since the protests began, according to Iraq’s  parliamentary human rights committee.

Daily reports from the independent Iraqi High Commission for Human  Rights put the number of dead at 340.

Regarding the protests, Milley “denounced” the cycle of  violence permeating the demonstrations, especially killing, kidnapping of  protesters and activists, and threats to freedom of expression.

“Milley reiterated the United States’ support for the Iraqi people as  they stand up for a free, independent, and sovereign Iraq, unhindered  by corruption and malign foreign influence,”  the statement concluded.

In a separate meeting in the Iraqi Defense Ministry, Milley met with al-Ghanimi, the Iraqi Army Chief of Staff.  

According to a statement by the Iraqi Defense Ministry on Wednesday, Ghanimi confirmed Iraqi leaders and military commanders  are in “constant” contact with US officials in order to assist Iraq in fighting ISIS cells in the country. 

ISIS cells remains active in the western province of Anbar and disputed territories despite being formally defeated in Mosul in July 2017. 



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