6 weeks into offensive: 22 Mosul districts freed, 1000 ISIS killed

MOSUL, Iraq – Iraqi forces say they have liberated 22 districts in eastern Mosul and killed nearly 1,000 ISIS militants since the launch of the military operation six weeks ago, as the advancing forces aim to push westward towards the Tigris river.
The liberated districts are all located in what is known as the left bank of the Tigris River, covering northeastern, eastern and southeastern Mosul. 
“Today as we have completed Khazra apartments, and other districts of Karkukli, Arbajyah, and Bakir, God willing tomorrow we will head towards other districts following clearing more than 20 districts on the left side,” Maan Zeid Ibrahim, a commander of the Iraqi Golden Special Forces told Rudaw on Monday. 
“As of now, 22 districts have been fully cleared.”
Another commander of the force, Major General Abdul Ghani al-Asadi, said around 990 ISIS militants had been killed in the fighting so far, Reuters reported on Monday. 
Ibrahim said their next target is to approach the Tigris River, which divides the city into east and west. 
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Map legend:
Dark green - under Peshmerga control
Light green - encircled/battling by Peshmerga
Red - under Iraqi control
Pink - encircled/battling by Iraqi forces
Yellow - under Hashd al-Shaabi control
Orange - encircled/battling by Hashd al-Shaabi
Of the five bridges spanning the river, only one remains functional, therefore limiting the movement of goods and people within the city, including ISIS militants.
The bridges were destroyed in order to “reduce the ability of Daesh [ISIS] to resupply their fighters and to reinforce on the east side of the city,” John Dorrian, the spokesperson for the US-led coalition against ISIS, told Rudaw on Sunday, explaining that the biggest threat to civilian lives in Mosul is ISIS militants.
Forces have also progressed in areas around the city. The Nineveh Plains, the lands north and east of the city, have been fully liberated, the commander for the Nineveh Operations Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Yarallah announced in a statement on Monday.
To the west of Mosul, the Shiite Hashd al-Shaabi, which has now become a formal and legal force following Saturday’s parliamentary vote, have continued to liberate yet more villages south of the largely Turkmen city of Tal Afar. They have taken four villages on Monday, bringing the total to 16 in the last four days.