Families of jihadists evacuate Mosul as Baghdad prepares for major offensive

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Families of the Islamic State (ISIS) militants have evacuated Mosul city, Kurdish sources inside Mosul reveal. The Iraqi army, assisted by the US-led coalition air power are gearing up to regain control of Mosul, the stronghold of ISIS.

“According to our sources at least eight buses carrying the families of the militants departed from Mosul towards the Syrian border,” Saeid Mamozini, a Kurdish media spokesperson told Rudaw.  

The ground operation to recapture Mosul will take place in late January next year, Iraqi military sources have said. Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani has not ruled out Peshmerga forces assisting in the fight to recapture the city, which has an estimated 500,000 Kurdish inhabitants. 

“If the Iraqi government and the people of Mosul have a plan, we will study it and see how to assist the Iraqi army in recapturing the city,” Barzani said last week in response to a question by Rudaw.

Mamozini also said the militants had enforced strict public regulations in the city, which “practically banned women to drive or travel alone in the city.”