Kurdish general in Iraqi Army killed by ISIS in Anbar

 ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Brigadier General Safin Abdulmajid, the Kurdish commander of 10th Division of Iraqi Army, was killed Thursday in Anbar province in a vehicle-borne suicide attack by the Islamic State. 

Al-Iraqia TV reported Thursday that the jihadist attack on occurred in Jarayshi district, 18km north of the ISIS-held city of Ramadi. The AFP news agency reported that the bomber also killed Staff Major General Abdulrahman Abu Raghif, deputy head of the Anbar Operations Command.

The AFP report said Baghdad's Joint Operations Command confirmed the deaths of the two officers and an unspecified number of other "heroic martyrs."

ISIS seized Ramadi on May 17 and has controlled most of Anbar, the largest province in Iraq, since its lighting assault across Iraq last year.

Iraq’s Ministry of Defense announced on August 13 that it will launch a “second phase” of military campaigns to liberate the city after a previous campaign was halted in mid-June. Ramadi was seized in March after Iraqi forces withdrew in the face of a numerically smaller ISIS force.