Yazidi woman reunited with family after rescue from al-Hol

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region  A Yazidi survivor of Islamic State (ISIS) captivity has been reunited with her family after being rescued from Syria's al-Hol camp on Wednesday. 

Nasrin Ibrahim, 27, met her two sisters, who were also taken by the terror group, at an IDP camp in Duhok. 

"I am happy because I have been rescued and reunited with my sisters," she told Rudaw. 

Her sister Shirin says she is happy they are reunited, but is still waiting for her parents and brother to return. 

"Many people from our village were kidnapped," she said.

More than 5,000 Yazidis were abducted by ISIS when it overran the Yazidi heartland of Shingal in August 2014, committing a genocide against the ethnoreligious group. Thousands are still missing.

The family, from the village of Kocho, are now living with a relative in the camp. Kocho was site one of of the worst atrocities committed against the community, with nearly all boys and men shot dead and women and girls sold into slavery. 

Older women from the village were shot dead near Solagh, now home to recently-excavated mass graves. 

According to the Office for Abducted Yazidi Affairs, there may be more than 500 Yazidis in al-Hol camp, home to thousands of families with suspected links to ISIS. 


Translation and video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed