ISIS moving Mosul cement factories to Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - The Islamic State has begun moving cement factories in Mosul to Syria, allegedly in advance of the impending attack on the ISIS-held city, an Iraqi lawmaker has told Rudaw. 

Yunadem Kana, head of the National Rafidain party in Iraqi parliament said on Tuesday the Sunni militants have relocated at least three huge cement factories in Mosul’s western towns of Badosh, Shangal and Awir to neighboring Syria, where the group is still in control of large swathes of territory.

Islamic State militants in their self-proclaimed capital Mosul have been reportedly preparing for a prolonged battle that Iraqi military officials, the coalition forces and Kurdish Peshmerga have been planning for months.  Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, fell to the militants in June 2014.

Other reports have emerged of ISIS creating vast defenses, including trenches and other fortifications, and laying landmines along roadways leading to the city.