PM Kadhimi orders protection for electricity towers amid uptick in terror attacks

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region  Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Wednesday called on security forces to redouble efforts to protect transmission towers amid an increase in suspected Islamic State (ISIS) attacks on Iraq's electricity sector.

During a meeting of the Ministerial Council for National Security, Kadhimi said Iraq has reached a good level of electrical production, but said “there is repeated and intentional targeting of electric power towers in a number of governorates” which is “exacerbating the suffering of citizens.”

Kadhimi “directed all operational leaders and intelligence services to address these targets, protect energy towers, and pursue criminal groups,” according to a tweet from his office.

Several attacks on electricity towers have been reported in the past months, mostly in the disputed territories where ISIS has exploited a security vacuum.

A spokesperson from Iraq’s electricity ministry recently told Rudaw English that explosive devices have hampered electricity lines in Mosul and Diyala, affecting areas across the country, including the capital Baghdad.

The power outages caused by such attacks has exacerbated problems for civilians who are already dealing with soaring temperatures in a year of drought and water shortages.