3 rockets land near Baghdad airport: Iraqi military

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — At least three rockets landed near a base housing American troops in Baghdad, the Iraqi military announced early Friday morning. No casualties were reported.

“Three missiles fell in the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport,” read the statement. One fell near al-Karkh Central Prison, the second near the Counter-Terrorism Service Academy, and the third near the headquarters of the Rapid Response Forces. 

At least five other missiles were found and forces have “begun to disassemble the unexploded rockets located on the roof of an empty house that had been rented out 10 days ago,” the statement added.

No group has claimed responsibility, but the United States blames Iranian-backed Iraqi militias for the frequent attacks. These militias are the “primary threat to US personnel in Iraq,” the office of the Director of National Intelligence stated in its annual threat assessment published earlier this month.

Attacks on US interests – including bases housing American and Coalition troops and the US embassy complex in Baghdad – increased after the US assassinated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in January 2020. 

Two Iraqi soldiers were injured in a rocket attack on Balad air base on Sunday. Last week, an explosive-laden drone sparked a fire at Erbil International Airport, where Coalition forces are based.

In early April, a militia commander vowed to increase operations with the goal of forcing US troops out of the country. Armed factions opposed to US forces in Iraq will continue to “carry guns” in order to “end the US military occupation,” said Qais al-Khazali, secretary general of Asaib Ahl al-Haq who is subject to US sanctions.

The US, which has about 2,500 troops in Iraq, has agreed to withdraw its non-combat forces.