ISIS destroys Mosul University campuses

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region- A Kurdish official has said on Thursday that the Islamic State militants, also known as ISIS, have exploded Mosul University’s Faculty of Agriculture buildings in South of Mosul.

Saeed Mamuzini, a Kurdistan Democratic Party official in Mosul told Rudaw "ISIS militants have exploded buildings of the University of Agriculture campuses - Alil town Southern Mosul, that was previously used by ISIS as a military camp."

 ISIS militants launched an attack on a Shabak Kurdish village in Mosul, and arrested 7 civilians and took them to unknown place. The militants have taken the cellphones from the people, Mamuzini stated.

According to the KDP official, militants have gunned down some ISIS members who have tried to escape.

Mosul fell to the ISIS militants on June 10. The defeat was a humiliation for the Iraqi Army, with many troops known to have abandoned their weapons and uniforms as they fled the ISIS onslaught.