Official: Baiji refinery secure but key areas still disputed

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi security forces have cleared Islamic State militants from strategic positions inside and around the Baiji oil refinery complex but important areas are yet to be captured, a local officials has said. 

“Iraqi security forces in cooperation with Shiite fighters of the Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Units] and tribal gunmen, all backed by US-led collation airstrikes, have been able to remove threats to Baiji oil refinery,” Mohammed Mahmud, deputy governor of the disputed city of Baiji, told Rudaw on Wednesday.

Iraq’s largest oil refineries are located near Baiji, which was partially over-taken by Islamic State fighters during heavy fighting in the past two weeks.

Sabah Nemani, spokesman for Iraq's Counter-Terrorism Service, announced earlier the “military campaign to retake control of Baiji oil refinery has successfully ended its mission. Security forces are now recapturing areas near to the refinery.”

Still, authorities said more strategic areas must be liberated in order to completely resolve security threats to Baijil refinery.

“There are some important positions, including Area 600 and the Albu Javari area, which ISIS could use to start attacking Baiji oil refinery. I believe Iraqi forces must recapture these areas in order to fully protect Baiji oil refinery,” Mahmud added.

Baiji oil refinery, some 40km north of the city of Tikrit in Salahaddin province, have been shut down for at least 10 months due to jihadist violence in the area.

The city of Baiji was captured by ISIS in June, but the large refinery remained under the control of an Iraqi Army special unit known as the Golden Force.