Iraqi forces take key village south of Mosul airport

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi armed forces declared Albu Saif village liberated, south of Mosul on Monday from ISIS militants as their forces proceed in the direction of the city's airport. 

Rudaw's Ranja Jamal who is embedded with the Iraqi army said with the liberation of the village, located 5 kilometres from the southern edge of Mosul, the Iraqi forces have come very close to the airport.

He added that many ISIS dead bodies are left behind, scattered on the ground, and ISIS militants can be seen fleeing on motorcyles.

Coalition warplanes have been continually shelling ISIS positions and movements in the village.

Yarmouk, located between Albu Saif and the airport, has not been liberated yet, Jamal reported. 

Tahir Husseini, media officer for the Iraqi Federal Police said in the course of today's military plans, four villages southwest of Mosul have been cleared of ISIS. 

He added the Iraqi air force together with coalition forces is playing a pivotal role in the army's advances. 

The Federal Police are leading the offensive up from the south of Mosul. Once the forces reach the city itself, the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Forces are set to wage alley-to-alley clashes in the narrow streets and lanes of west Mosul.