Series of explosions rock Kirkuk

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A series of explosions have hit the city of Kirkuk in multiple locations on Wednesday evening. 

“A vehicle had driven through a crowd, throwing bombs and grenades. Most of the explosions from tonight were done this way,” Ahmad Askari, a member of the security committee of Kirkuk provincial council, told Rudaw.

In addition, three roadside bombs blew up on the Baghdad road in Kirkuk, injuring some civilians, the security media centre detailed in a statement. 

The bombs targeted a commercial district of Kirkuk, a police official told Reuters.

Persons also set off three sound bombs on the Rahimawa-Shorja road, the security media centre stated. 

Security forces are searching for those responsible.

Initial reports had indicated one person was killed and several more injured.

No group has immediately claimed responsibility. ISIS militants south of Kirkuk city continue to pose a security threat in the province. 

Updated at 11:31 pm