Two injured in rocket attack on Balad air base: commander

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Two members of the Iraqi security forces were injured in a rocket attack on Balad air base in Salahaddin province on Sunday,  the base commander has told state media. 

Major General Pilot Zia Mohsen said that two rockets hit the base, but did not cause any material damage. One of the injured is said to be in a critical condition. 

This is the second rocket attack on the base this month.

Two rockets landed near the base on April 4. 

Iraq’s Security Media Cell branded the Sunday incident as a “terrorist” attack, saying the rockets were launched from al-Khalis district in Diyala province. 

"These heinous acts targeting our military bases will face a harsh response from our Iraqi security forces," it said in a statement. 

The US-led coalition spokesperson confirmed that no coalition forces are stationed at the base.

Attacks on Iraqi military bases and foreign missions are a frequent occurrence across Iraq, and also take place in the Kurdistan Region. 

One civilian was injured after Katyusha rockets landed in the town of Kifri in the Kurdistan Region’s Garmiyan administration on Sunday. 

An explosive-laden drone hit Erbil International Airport on Wednesday, the same day rockets targeting a Turkish military base landed in Bashiqa in Nineveh province. One Turkish soldier was killed in the attack, which also injured civilians in a village close to the base.