Planes bringing in arms to ISIS, Iraqi official says

BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Islamic State (ISIS) is being supplied with weapons through planes landing in areas controlled by the militants, the head of Iraq’s security and defence committee said.

“Some countries are delivering weapons to ISIS by using airplanes in Tel Afar airport, near Mosul,” Hakim Zalmi said.

“I am asking the Iraqi air force to shell Tel Afar airport, together with any other airports under the control of ISIS in Iraq,” he added.

His comments come after a Russian plane landed in Baghdad last week with a cargo of weapons and ammunition.  That is being investigated by a committee, which is looking into the origin of the weapons.

“The plane that landed in Baghdad last week was filled with weapons, and it was not the first plane to land, breaching Iraqi air space,” Zalmi said. “An investigation is still ongoing regarding that case,” he added.

The Russian plane carried 40 tons of weapons and ammunition and attempted to land at Sulaimani airport. It landed in Baghdad after being refused permission.