Reinforced Iraqi forces recapture areas near Ramadi

RAMADI, Anbar province – Iraqi security forces fighting with reinforcements in east of the city of Ramadi have cleared Sajariyah town and Sufiya district of Islamic State fighters, the Interior Ministry announced on Thursday. 

“Government special forces have been able to fully recapture the main road between Sajariyah and Sufiya,” Saad Maan, ministry spokesman, said in a statement.

The statement assured residents of the stability and security of the areas and asked them to return to their homes.   

Sabah Karhut, chairman of Anbar provincial council, told Rudaw on Wednesday that two brigades of special forces had arrived in Ramadi to join the Iraqi forces engaged with ISIS fighters.

“We have asked for more air support to target ISIS positions and military bases, especially in the eastern part of Ramadi,” Karhut said.

The battle for Ramadi in central Anbar province has intensified as government forces have been able to retake several areas in the past few days.  

The military campaign launched April 8 to liberate the province has been supported by airstrikes by the US-led coalition on ISIS positions.