Baghdad rocked by third deadly car bomb in as many days

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – A third deadly car bomb in as many days has rocked Baghdad. 

A car bomb exploded at a car dealership in the Bayaa district of southwest Baghdad. At least 45 have been killed and another 49 injured, according to Baghdad operations command. 
ISIS issued a claim of responsibility for the attack.

The UN’s representative to Iraq condemned the attack in a written statement. “Yet again, the terrorists are continuing with their carnage against innocent civilians. This is totally unacceptable,” said Jan Kubis.

“The Iraqi people have shown their courage and determination in the fight against terrorism, and these desperate tactics by the terrorists will only increase the resolve of Iraqis, who want to live in peace and tranquility to terminate the so called ISIL [ISIS] throughout the country.”

A truck bomb in Baghdad’s Sadr City neighbourhood on Wednesday killed at least 15. And at least four were killed in a car bombing on Tuesday.