Baghdad committed to holding early election in June: PM

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region    Baghdad is committed to holding next year’s election in June 2021 as planned, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said after meeting with the electoral commission on Sunday. 

“The prime minister ensured that the government will stick to the designated date and hold its election on June 6, 2021,” his office said in a statement published to Telegram.

“His excellency ensures that the early elections are among the main tasks of the government,” the statement added. “The early elections are also one of the main demands of the Iraqi people and the October Protests.”

Kadhimi asked Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission to take “all necessary measures” to ensure the elections will be held as scheduled, and should “continuously work to guarantee a successful election.”

Protests erupted across central and southern Iraq last October, with demonstrators taking to the streets to demand basic services and an end to corruption. Among the demands were calls for early elections.  

The electoral commission said in August it would be ready to hold early elections in June provided the government and parliament meet certain demands, including passing a new electoral law and allocating a budget for the vote.

Iraqi President Barham Salih signed electoral reforms into law on November 5. 

The last parliament session on the reforms was on October 29, when MPs voted on constituency divisions in Kirkuk province. Constituencies are now divided by the number of quota seats for women in each area.