Source: Iraqi Defense Minister met Turkish advisors before troop deployment

By Nasir Nheli 

DUHOK, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Defense Minister, Khalid Obeidi, had reportedly met with Turkish military advisors at Camp Bashik near Mosul shortly before the arrival of Turkish troops to the area last month.

“Obeidi has visited the military base,” a military source inside the base told Rudaw on condition of anonymity. “He first held a meeting with the Turkish advisors and trainers for about half an hour.”

The source added that Obeidi also met afterwards with leaders of the Sunni-majority National Mobilization Force in the Mosul area.

Obeidi was on a visit to Shingal on November 27 when he went to Goudad military base in Bashik to meet the Turkish advisors and local forces.

Turkey deployed a number of troops to the base just days after the Iraqi defense minister’s visit.

A Rudaw video footage shows Obeidi touring the area and visiting the Turkish base in three helicopters.

Mohamad Yahiya, head of the National Mobilization Force told Rudaw that the Iraqi defense minister met with his forces and discussed possible military support from the central government.

Yahiiya denied Obeidi’s visit to the Turkish base.