Fallujah doctor: 8,765 war deaths in city since start of 2013

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Iraqi health officials have claimed that 8,765 civilians have been killed and wounded in the Islamic State-held town of Fallujah in Anbar province since the beginning of 2013.

“Since the beginning of 2013 until today, 3,331 corpses have been transported to the Fallujah morgue. Among those are 450 children and 299 women in addition to 5,434 wounded. Among the wounded are 768 children and 652 women,” Ahmed Shami, the head of the General Hospital of Fallujah, said in a statement on Sunday.

Fallujah has been firmly under control of ISIS militants since it was overrun by ISIS in January 2014. According to reports from the front, there has been little progress in efforts to retake it.

Fallujah is located roughly 69 kilometers (42 miles) west of Baghdad on the Euphrates River.