US wants Iran and Iraq on good terms, ambassador tells top Iraqi security advisor

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — The US ambassador to Baghdad Matthew Tueller met with Iraq’s National Security Advisor Qasim al-Araji on Sunday, with a statement from Araji’s office quoting Tueller as saying that Washington wants Iran and Iraq to be on good terms.

"We look forward to good terms between Iran and Iraq that serve everyone's interests," the statement from Araji’s office quoted Tueller as saying.

Tueller also said that his country is seeking de-escalation in the region, according to the statement.

The meeting comes one day before Araji’s visit to Tehran. The visit to the Iranian capital is at the invitation of Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran Ali Shamkhani, Iranian state media reported on Sunday.

Tensions between Iran and the United States have been particularly high since Washington ordered the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in the Iraqi capital on January 3, 2020. Iran-backed Iraqi militias upped their rocket attacks on US military and diplomatic targets.

Iraqi officials pleaded that their country not be used as a battleground by foreign powers.

"Iraq is always striving to be a point of convergence and rapprochement with everyone, in a way that brings security and stability to the region and avoids further conflicts," Araji said on Sunday.

The meeting between Araji and Tueller also comes as Baghdad and Washington resumed their strategic dialogue on Wednesday, continuing discussions on US military disengagement, the Iraqi economy, and other issues.